Information on the Parks of Marshall, Illinois
Probably, you have not given a lot of thought about the parks before but there is definitely a reason that such community parks are playing significant roles in the future of the town and its present livability. Those leaders and residents of Marshall are really aware about the significance of having such parks and this is one good reason why that small community has so many parks for their citizens and also their visitors to enjoy too.
You have to understand that the park is not only a space that is made for the recreation and enjoyment of people or for the protection of the natural habits and also of the wildlife. These can all be the reasons for having parks but you should also understand that the parks serve as a reflection of the values and the history of the community. The community such as Marshall has surely gone great lengths and guarantee that the parks are maintained very well since they are aware that the people must have that safe and convenient place for them to enjoy nature with family and friends.
If you are simply visiting Marshall for the weekend or you have been planning to move your family or business here, then you should be able to appreciate the fun that parks give while you rest, exercise or simply read that book in such fantastic setting that is provided for the people’s enjoyment.
One of the parks that you can visit in Marshall is the Class of 1958 Park. Since the year 2009, such triangular-shaped and also a patriotic-themed park comes with beautiful gazebo and picnic table that the visitors and residents have really enjoyed.
There is also the Downtown Park that is situated in Downtown Marshall and such was once the location of the First National Bank building. The owner of the lot was Bernardoni and he sold this to the town and since then the Garden Club maintained the park. This was made in the year 1996 and this was actually constructed to remove the eyesore from the area and for increasing the pride of the city. The park is now offering a fantastic place for those downtown workers as well as visitors so that they can have their break while so many of the community organizations are making use of this for their meetings and also their programs. The park also provides a fantastic spot to listen to Friday Night City Band Concert.
There is also the Harlow Park which you may visit in Marshall and this is the land for Harlow Memorial Park which was donated in the year 2008 by Darell Harlow to be able to have a children’s neighborhood park in memory of Rogene, his wife. This park offers swing set, slides, rock wall and playground for the children as well as the families to have fun.