The Services Done By Detectives

There are two types of detectives in each state or country in the world, as I shall explain below. There are public detectives, who are employed by government and therefore the work for the government . This means they technically do not do their job as a business but as a social service. However the could take up some jobs and investigations that are private and are not for the government. The other type of detectives is the private detectives who are completely separate from the government. They are usually having a firm on the own, as a business venture aiming for profit rather than social service such as that that is done by public detectives. Detectives as also referred to as investigators. There are two types of cases which are, the criminal cases and the civil cases. The criminal cases are against the people or the citizens and the government search as theft, or those to do with breaking the law. The civil cases are those cases that involve the citizens and their fellow citizens such a divorce. The criminal cases are mostly handled by a public detective as public detectives work for the government. The civil cases can be handled by either a public detectives and or a private detective, the option that will work for the individual affected.

There are different services that are done by detectives, whether a private or public detective. To begin with, detectives are able to investigate your employees before you employ them, and even after you employ them. They investigate the employee to ensure that they have no records of being a criminal. A criminal could run away from his country or home to hide. The employer could be implicated in his criminal case as they will be seen to be helping that criminal employee. The employer could suspect the employee is involved in criminal activities and the detective can follow up with this to get to the bottom of the matter. Some employees especially managers could also put up some side businesses similar to the business of the employer and therefore reducing on the business for the employee. Copying business ideas and business operations are not fair.

In times of crisis or danger, the detectives can also provide personal protection to individuals. This is similar to what the security officers in security companies or the police do. In international trade, the person you are trading with could be doing some illegal importing and illegal exporting of goods. If you are involved in the purchase or sale of illegally imported or exported goods, then you will be implicated in the criminal case. This will cost you money, lost time and a lost reputation, and therefore to be sure you can hire a detective to investigate if the traded goods imported and exported are actually a legal business. The detectives also help to recover lost assets for example when an individual loses their money or assets to fraudsters when they thought it was actually good clean trade they were doing. To follow up with this, it may be difficult or impossible for such an individual so the detectives can come in and sort this, and get back your money and assets that were lost.

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